I’ve been thinking about taking a trip to Quartzsite, AZ for a while now. I could essentially use the trailer as giant, sturdy tent. I don’t have the time, funds, or proper environment to actually do all the work in the trailer that it needs to be livable as a full-time RV right now, but I can throw a mattress, couch, some chairs, a folding table and a few other things into it and “rough” it for a couple weeks. There’s also a couple of RV-specific events that I would really love to take part in, and the idea of spending the entire month of January in MN with no activities isn’t exactly appealing. Continue reading Planning a Trip to Quartzsite, AZ
Choosing Another Path
If you’re got a free half hour, the video below is worthwhile, in my opinion. The couple in the video discuss how they found that working for years upon years to afford a house wasn’t worth it, and the fulfillment they feel from living a simpler life and doing more of what they want instead of wasting their time on “things”. Continue reading Choosing Another Path
Andersen No-Sway Weight Distribution Hitch
I ordered the Anderson No-Sway Weight Distribution Hitch yesterday and had a good time opening it up and assembling all the pieces. This system is relatively light-weight compared to other traditional weight-distribution systems, plus they have to add on separate anti-sway hardware. Still, it’s impressive just how much metal is involved in this thing. Continue reading Andersen No-Sway Weight Distribution Hitch
2014 Lexus ES 300h For Sale
I planned on owning this car for 10 years. I took care of it because I wanted to drive a really nice car for a long time. Life changed on me though, and I have to let this car go. I take great care of my cars, and it shows here.
Why is buying from me better than buying through a dealership? Continue reading 2014 Lexus ES 300h For Sale
Rollin’ Ratchet Straps
I’ve been moving some furniture lately, and so I got to open up my new 4-pack of ratchet straps. Unfortunately, after a ratchet strap is used, it rarely gets put away nicely, and even if you do roll it up, there’s nothing to keep it rolled up unless you go buy something else to hold it, and I didn’t really want to buy something just to keep the straps tidy. So, they ended up in a mess like these things always do. Continue reading Rollin’ Ratchet Straps
This looks like fun!
Something I found I really enjoy is driving a highway capable vehicle off-road. Recently I went to the renaissance festival, which was just like it always is, but before we left, we went tromping around in some of the less-used areas of the fields, and it was so much fun! Driving through grasses that were as high as the front of the truck, rolling up and down small hills with huge invisible bumps (which throws you around a bit), and driving through mud pits, hoping to not get stuck. It was a blast! Continue reading This looks like fun!
Truck Lust
Is it wrong to lust after thy neighbor’s truck?
With the completely unsurprising news that my truck isn’t going to be a long-term relationship, I’ve started looking around for a replacement. I found one on craigslist that is calling out to me. Continue reading Truck Lust
Saturn in the driveway!
I’ve noticed my truck pulls to the left, pretty consistently, so I figured I should get it checked out. I know the truck has been in an accident before, but I don’t know if any of the damage would be related to this issue of being misaligned. The pull to the left is relatively minor, and people other than me probably wouldn’t bother having it looked at, but I to keep things in good working order when I reasonably can. Continue reading Saturn in the driveway!
Ready to go
The last 5 or so days have been really busy with work and personal life stuff. Today, although it’s technically Tuesday, has been a Saturday for me. Woke up early and rested, got what little work was waiting for me done, went and voted and was back home before 9am. Continue reading Ready to go
Christmas Delivery
News has just come in about the completion timeframe. It’s expected to be completed sometime during the week of December 19th, and will be delivered to Wisconsin for pickup after that. Looks like I’ll be picking up the trailer either just before or just after Christmas.